Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Review Drama Korea 'The Heirs'

Ok, kesempatan kali ini aku mau bahas tentang DramKor yang lagi booming asik gile itu. Yap, The Heirs atau The Inheritors. Ku akuin emang seru, tapi ada beberapa hal yang miss dan bikin kesannya gak memuaskan. Penasaran maksudnya gimana? Yuk,kita mulai.

Tapi pertama-tama aku kenalin dulu apa itu DramKor The Heirs.

The Heirs (Ahli Waris), menceritakan tentang kehidupan keluarga elite yang punya problematika yang rumit. Keluarga itu punya perusahaan terkenal bernama Jeguk Group, walaupun kaya tapi mereka tidak bahagia (?) Suatu hari, datang dua orang perempuan, ibu dan anaknya yang bekerja di rumah itu sebagai tukang rewang hehe pembantu maksudnya. Sejak kehadiran mereka, kehidupan keluarga elite itu berubah. Semua berubah, serasa dialah negara api yang menyerang.

Behehe, enggak deng gak gitu ceritanya.
Gini yang bener:

"The Heirs" depicts the friendships, rivalries and love lives of young, rich heirs led by Kim Tan (Lee Min Ho) and a girl named Cha Eun Sang (Park Shin Hye). The series follows a group of privileged, rich, elite high school students as they are groomed to take over their families' business empires. These wealthy students seem to have everything under control, except their love lives. Kim Tan is a handsome and wealthy Korean heir to a large conglomeration who is sent to study abroad in the U.S. In reality, it's a form of exile, as his elder half-brother back home, Kim Won (Choi Jin-hyuk) schemes to take over the family business. While in the States, Kim Tan bumps into Cha Eun Sang (Park Shin Hye), who has arrived from Korea in search of her older sister. Slowly, he feels himself falling for her, never realizing that she's the daughter of his family's housekeeper. When Kim Tan's fiancée, Rachel Yoo (Kim Ji Won), arrives to bring him back to Korea, his heart is torn between love and duty. Meanwhile, Rachel's future stepbrother and Kim Tan's former best friend, Choi Young Do (Kim Woo-bin) goes to the same school as Kim Tan and Eun Sang. The troubles arise as the heirs realize the differences between money and the real world. [Source: Wikipedia]

Artiin sendiri:)

*napas dulu*

Nah kita mulai, review aka evaluasinya The Heirs menurut kacamata saya.

1. Openning Jay's Problems
Coba deh, kalian puter lagi scene awal di episode 1. Adegannya Kim Tan main seluncur air di pantai Amerika. Terus dilanjut ngeshoot cewek-cewek pakai bikini. Duile, aku pikir ini bakal jadi drama yang high quality. Tapi....semua pikiran itu sirna sejak kedatangan si Jay, bule amrik yang aktingnya ummm ya gitu deh, sedih kalo kudu njabarin:')
Terus dilanjut pas dirumah Tan yang di Amrik, ok ini sedikit maklum, tapi plis the way Tan sama Jay ngobrol itu freak abis, rasanya strange banget. Geli bung liatnya:( wkwk
Dan yang terakhir, waktu Jay makan bedak. pft abis....
Intinya, review buat The Heirs di openning, Jay-nya mohon diperbaiki.

Itu dia yang namanya Jay.....

2. Little Tan and Young Do looks like a Gay

Ok, problem ini cukup bikin aku terengah-engah untuk memikirkannya. Kalian ngerasa ganjal gak sih sama kehadiran scene-scene flash back Tan sama Young Do kecil? Duh, pokoknya ya mereka act seperti mereka dulu sahabat, etapi kok malah.... HUM:(( bikin sedih liatnya...


3. Uncleared Problem on The Final

Sebenernya ya, The Heirs udah seru banget sampe titik di episode 18. 19 setengahan masih seru, tapi makin kebelakang makin kerasa kalo 'kejar tayang'. Nha di episode 20 ini, aku beneran mengharapkan episode penghujung yang beneran gong gitu. Tapi kok aku ngerasanya gak ada goalnya sama sekali. Gak clear semua masalahnya, ada yang cuma ditinggal, ada yang gak nyambung, ada yang gak penting juga. Ngerasa gak?
Gini nih contohnya

  • Gimana nasib Bapaknya Young Do dan hotel Zeus yang entah itu mau dipenjara apa gimana. 

  • Gimana nasib pacarnya Kim Won dan jadi nikah sama si cewek asing itu enggak.

  •  Gimana hubungan Young Do dan Ibunya? apa mereka jadi keluarga lagi? Lalu hidup bersama membina Zeus. AH PENASARAN ABIS

  •  Ini kenapa Kim Won nangis... istrinya kemana cuy... Mukanya gak nguatin bikin sedih juga:(

  • Terus ini tu maksudnya gimana... Seriusan itu tu gakjelas abis, ya bayangin deh lagi ada party, eh malah di kamar diem tiba2 dicium terus senyum. Freak bung...

4. But, The End was Beautiful

Ya, walaupun beberapa hal keliatan aneh di mata aku. Dan di episode terakhir malah banyak yang kurang jelas. Di pungkasan acara bener-bener kena, kalo hidup itu emang gak semulus bokong bayi. Pasti ada disaat kudu jatuh atau telungkup. Tapi namanya juga hidup, jalani saja. 


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Rekomendasi Episode Running Man Terbagus Part 2

How's life folks? Its been a long time since i haven't update this blog. So sorry, high school routiniton,you know. Haha
Mianhae aku baru update part 2nya sekarang. Soalnya kan kudu memilah-milih yang terbagus mana dan yg patut untuk aku share di post kali ini:3
Ok, so here we gooo!

1. Episode 22 
Guest: Kim Min Jong and Choi Siwon (Super Junior)

Running Man first Christmas special! Waktu opening Song Joong Ki bagi-bagi kado buat member, aduh baik sekali yah:') Mission pertama cari christmas gift terbaik buat anak-anak gitu. Ekspresinya Siwon OMG bgt =)) Terus mission ke 2: 10vs1 against Kim Min Jong, ceritanya kudu mengelabuhi Min Jong kalo member tu ganti baju santa's red bag ke green bag dengan acting gitu. Acting2nya lucu2 wkwk. Terus final mission hide and seek as usual.

2. Episode 25
Guest: Park Bo Young

Wuahaha, opening-nya aja udah ngakakin banget. Jadi ini episode Korean Manhwa gitu, pas openning member ngecosplayin kartun-kartun jadul gitu. First mission 1 vs 9 against Park Bo Young. Ceritanya Gary ntar yamar gitu deh, duh lucu deh=)) Terus 2nd mission nyanyi theme song-nya kartun-kartun. And the least hide and seek lucu gituu:3

3. Episode 26
Guest: Moon Shik and Jung Jin Young

Ini ceritanya di music store gitu. Waktu opening trus mau bikin grupnya, gary sama joongki rebutan song ji hyo aduh lucu sekaliii:3 1st mission tu find the guest, ya seperti biasanya. Terus 2nd mission nih yang lucu, mereka ceritanya suruh nyalin lagu-lagu luar (non korea) terus ntar dinyanyiin gitu, dinilai berdasarkan pronunciation yg paling mendekati benar gitu. Lucu dah pokoknya. Terus final missionnya running man's choice of two. Sebenernya ane jg gak tau maksdunya dan tujuan misi itu ngapain._.

4. Episode 36
Guest: Daesung (Big Bang) and Yonghwa (CNBlue)

Dumb and Dumber was here! Lol Pertama-tama ini ngelanjutin nyari Daesung sama Yonghwa-nya, aduh mereka unyu-unyu sekali sembunyinya wkwk. Terus 2nd missionnya masak-masak gitu, ngakak-able find out sendiri lah ya keseruannya:3 Terus final missionnya nahan gak nelen air liur dengan digoda fresh BBQ gitu wkwk. Serulah!

5. Episode 48
Guest: -

Find the Sleeping Protocol. Aii, 1st mission-nya gak jelas, pokoknya disuruh jalan bareng pegangan tangan ber7 menuju suatu tempat. Habis liat itu kerasa banget kalo mereka kayak keluarga bangeet:') Misi2 aneh itu ada 3 dan lucu-lucu:3 Terus final missionnya find protocolnya itu, cari tau aja deh gimana-nya yg jelas lucu! wkwk

6. Episode 115
Guest: Moon Geun Young and TVXQ.

Aaaa, ini lucu sekali:3 Dan sepertinya deket-deket sini Monday Couple mulai mau balikan gitu (apasih). Jadi ntar awal-awalnya TVXQ nyanyi Catch You di halaman gitu, trus satu-persatu member ntar bangun lucu gitu haha. First mission photozone lagi!! Ah kangen banget ya setelah berpuluh2 episode ga photpozone2an, di misi ini ngakak abissss apalagi Kwangso=)) Oya banyak Monday Couple scene di sini. Terus 2nd-final aku lupa ngapain.___. Tapi ini patut dan kudu ditonton! <3

7. Episode 116
Guest: Ji Jin Hee, Ji Sung, Song Chang Ui

Wakakak, sebelum aku nulis ttg episode ini aku coba re-watch again dan boom aku masih ngakak keras bung! =)) Demi apa ini lucu. 1st missionnya yg naik kereta trus ntar 1-1 ada yg ke eliminasi itu lho, misi2 kecilnya ngakakin bangeeet. Sempet ada Monday Couple scene juga:3 Final missionnya THE MAN WHO CAN SEES THE FUTURE race =)) Liat aja lah itu apa, recommended!:3

8. Episode 123
Guest: Goo Soo and Han Hyojoo

Kimchi Race! Muihihihi, ini lucu juga. Pertamanya buat bikin grupnya tu dibikin Running Man bus gitu, guest yang ada di dalem bis ngejemput yang di pemberhentian bus2 gitu deh, lucuk-lucuk=)) Trus 1st missionnya rebutan cabbage, 2nd ceritanya beli-beli bahan di pasar gitu,tapi ada yg sepesial gitu deh. Goo Jyunpoo=)) trus 3rd mission rebutan cabbage lagi haha. Tiap mission itu tadi dapet advantages buat final mission-nya. Bikin kimchi! HAHAHA Ini lucu sekali,ya gak ding tapi lucu lah! Recommended juga:3

9. Episode 130
Guest: -

Reincarnation. Demi apapun, ini daebak banget. Settingannya totalitas banget! Ceritanya keren, suka bingung aja kok team creativnya running man bisa se-kreatip ini :') Ceritanya ya seperti reincarnation. Pasti bikin penasarankaaan, sok dilihat atuh. Kalo aku makin banyak omong ntar spoil trs gak seru.keke Hwaiting*-*)9

10. Episode 136
Guest: Han Hyejin and Lee Dongwook

Ini ceritanya cerita sebelum episode yang di Asian Race itu. Kan yg di Asian Race disuruh cari 9 pedangkan? Nha ini tu awal mulanya kenapa pedangnya ilang=)) Baju yg dipakai member adalah baju adat Vietnam, keren ya! Terus yang bikin aku masukin ini sebagai terbagus soalnya... VIEW-NYA! Omg, sumpah keindahan alamnya Vietnam..... It was really-really daeeebak! You must see it! Dan, so pasti ini lucu kok;)) wkwk

11. Episode 140
Guest: -

RAGE VIRUS! Wahaha, ini juga lucuuuu banget! Idenya tu lho keren banget. Jadi ceritanya bumi tu terancam sama wabah kemarahan. Orang-orang di bumi udah gak bisa ketawa ceritanya, tapi member masih bisa(?) Jadi mereka disuruh mencari obat tertawa biar disebar ke Dunia biar dunianya kembali tentram gitu:'') Funny but not that easy, kudu mikir juga:p Recommended,salah satu dari favorit ane!!

Ok, segini dulu yaaaa. 140-160 bakal saye bahas di Part 3! Hope you like it! ^^
Gomawo,thank you,terimakasih!<3:>

(Mian, the rest of some episodes that haven't a pic will be adding tommorow;))

If you want to see the past part. Click (Rekomendasi Episode Running Man Terbagus Part 1)
And the next part, (Rekomendasi Episode Running Man Part 3)

Friday, July 5, 2013

Photo on June

Hey hey!
This time, i'll share my unforgetable june/2013 memorizes.
Since i finished my national final exam, i have 2 month for holiday,what a long rite:'>
Buttt,in May i'm not that free bcs i still have a burden with my score of the exam. Yaps, that's really terrifying.

1st June i got my final score. Not a much but i still thanks for it:'> And yaps yesterday i was accepted by a school that i want, and i hope that is a rite one for me. ^^

Ok, bcs in June i'm free for sure, so i killin time with my friends. As long as i can out,i'll do it.
And, in 7 June me and my fellas went to Kalimilk Jakal to mini reunion bcs two of them are my bestie when i was grade 3 in my elementary school! We still had a good cominucation so we can make ths gath. What a joy:'>

Thanks for Balqis for treating us:3


Another mini gath and reunion was appears, my grade 6 classmates held a mini gath at 13 June in Kalimilk Seturan TKP 2. Jinjja, its was so much tears of happiness. Actually, i alrd miss them since i havent a much time bsc grade 9's activity. And after a long time we gathed again its a unimaginable thing. We laughs again, plays, chats, and do silly thing together. What a day, i really love that day guys. Thanks for our funtastic solidarity,NUMBERS :'>


At 16 June, me and all my same generation in primer high school had a graduation ceremony. So since that time, i oficially graduated from my primer high school. I dont know what i must to say for these event. But overall,thanks alot Pawitikra,Pawitikra Jaya! 


Not just that, at 19 June, me and my grade 9 classmates cycling together for the 2nd times. It was so much fuuuun. Jinjjayo, even we had so much trouble too but pfc its covered by alot of happiness. We had a loooong rute and we visited Taman Sari. In Taman Sari we just chillin out,take a photo, and meet a foreign too lol. But for sure, that day was very2 awesome guys.

Japan and Thailand foreign. LOL

I looks so fat here....#facepalm


And yak, my last event in primer high school. At 30 June.. Yups, Farewell Party. That night, what a romantic night. Even if its full of entertainer, but i still felt so sad remember i must to say goodbye with my friends. Aniya,that's not mean i must to forgeting my friends,but its just mean to 'motivation'. Ofc motivation to move on and catch our next dream. Adaptation,and start it again from the begining. Success friends, don't forget me no matter what happend<3  


Okeeey its all doneeee *sigh* Gomawo nae for visiting here^^

Gunna miss you all,dears<3

Saturday, June 22, 2013

LeeSsang Albums


LeeSsang? 리쌍? 
I thought you're already know them, but here a little article about them for whoever you that not know them yet:

LeeSsang is a South Korean Hip-hop duo, composed of Kang Hee-gun ("Garie" or "Gary") and Gil Seong-joon ("Gil"). The duo has released eight albums to date: two self-titled records in 2002 and 2003, Library of Soul in 2005, Black Sun in 2007, Baek-a Jeolhyeon (백아절현) in 2009, Hexagonal in late 2009, Asura Balbalta in 2011 and Unplugged in 2012. [source: wikipedia] 

So? What's next? 
I'd love them now. Not your bussiness? Yah,arraseo but it's still better if you know more about them:

Ofcourse, i know LeeSsang from Running Man. Their first song that i heard is You're The Answer To A Guy Like Me, just by heard the intro, i tthought i should love this song. 
These pic on the above is cover of
first Album of LeesSang (LeesSang of Honey Family)

On these album, song that i liked so much is Rush. Ne, if you often watch Running Man, you must know this song.

Rush: This song is featuring with Jung-in. Because of this gorgeous combination, they won Hip-Hop music award from the Mnet KM Music Video Festival. Next
And, I got a little quote from this song: "That small happiness has taught me life’s wisdom with a one pyung life that I can make a 100 pyung happiness is how you think about it"

Here you can download this song: Rush-LeesSang


Next, these pic above is cover of  2nd LeesSang's Album. (Re-development)
On these album, i just attracted to one song, yaps LeesSang Blues. When i heard this single, i felt like i had a more emotional, maybe its bcs Gil took it onto Ballad. And thanks to Gary, i don't know what happend with you so you had a idea to wrote those pretty lyric. And, this single LeesSang feat'ing with Jung-In again. IT'S SO EMOTIONAL,YOU KNOW. *claps*

Here you can download it: LeesSang Blues-LeesSang


3rd Album of LeesSang. (Library of Soul)
It's kinda weird when i find out about 'who's really featured on I'm not really laughing single?'. When i search in wikped and google, most looked up is feat. Ali, but when i trying to download this song, the only one that i found is ft. T.O.P. Then i search this MV on Youtube, and i found something. I concluded that it's officially featuring with Ali, but on the MV of these song, T.O.P is the main model. Ok, i don't care anymore. I still love this song whoever its featured with *waves*.

Other song that i liked on this album is 화가
What a great combination, these song is featured with Tiger JK, Dynamic Duo, and Sean2Slow!

Here you can download it: I'm not really laughing-LeesSang


And the next; 4th Album of LeesSang. (Black Sun)
I don't know much bout this album anyway. But as i know by reading wikped, LeesSang said every single on these album tells us about their life story. And at least they won Cyworld Digital Music Awards: Song of the Month when 'Ballerino' still in the charts for 4 weeks.
And for a western people,these song has a mexiconian soul/? SO? Ok,skip this topic.

Here you can download it: Ballerino-LeesSang

      **Mianhae, i skip the 5th album, i don't know much that album.**

So, here we go; the 6th Album of LeesSang (Hexagonal)
I'd love LeesSang album from this one to the 8th. Their song on those albums are amazing. I swear~!
Who's know A Girl Who Can't Break-Up A Boy Who Can't Leave here? You're not? You should download it asap,guys. I'm not kidding on you. Seriously, these song is truly easy listening.

  • A Girl Who Can't Break-Up A Boy Who Can't Leave feat. Jung-In: I promise to you, this song is really good! Here you can download it: Download
  • Our Meeting / We Meet Now feat. Jang Gi Ha and The Faces: Maybe you'll laughed to this song when you listen to this for the first time. Because i thought those tone is funny. (?) And in Running Man eps 150, Monday Couple singing this song *cheers* Here you can download it: Download
  • Canvas feat. Tiger JK, Dynamic Duo, and Bizzy B: Lil bit awkward song but it's still SWAG YO MAN! /? Here you can download it: Download
  • Run feat. YB: This song different with the others i thought. Maybe it's occured by drum or so on, i dont know but this song is good listening. Here you can download it: Download

Breakthrough 7th Album of LeesSang (Asura Balbalta)
This spectacular album, within hours of release, all the songs in the album went to occupy the top positions on all charts including Billboard K-Pop Hot 100. What a arcives!
But, its no wonder if you done listening their song of this album. Here i'll chose some Asura Babalta's single to be in your playlist.

  • You're The Answer To A Guy Like Me feat Hareem: Yap, this is the song that i told you before. Just by listen to the intro and Gil first line, you'll interetsed i think. And just FYI, this song stayed at #1 for weeks on VARIOUS music charts. No wonder,this song is truly cool. Here you can download it: Download
  • Turned off the TV feat. Tasha and Kwon Jungyeol: Because i'm not a korean, i don't know the meaning of this lyric. But, i just find out that this song is contented sexual meaning. I don't care anyway, this song is easy listening. Don't blame me,i still love this song *go away* Here you can download it: Download
  • Serenade feat. Dynamic Duo and Windy: Lil bit jazzy,makes a new atmoshpere yo broo. /? I don't know what did i said,this song always makes me sleepy.Hehe. Here you can download it: Download

And the last one (til 2012). Another big breakthrough, 8th Album of LeesSang (Unplugged)
This album is not a joke, all of their songs also entered the charts and stayed there for weeks! Such a perfect arcived! There are some song that booming and SWAG!
  • Seems Like Everybody Changes feat. Jungin, Simon D of Supreme Team, Bobby Kim of Buga Kingz: Ok,take it easy. This song is so soft and makes you wanna close your eyes and peace in a while. /? Here you can download it: Download
  • My Love: Its also ballad song. I like it but why Gil shout 'My love' with that way?! /lol. Curious? Here you can download it: Download 
  • Hard to be Humble: This intro is like Gangster's BGM,lol. I can descripe this song, too absurd. Find out by yourself is a better way. Here you can download it: Download 
  • Pursuing The Hapiness feat. Jo Hyuna: Ballad too. I like this song because its so relaxing, but sometimes when your mood its not in good, maybe you can cry easily just by listening to this freaking song. Here you can download it: Download 


It's done. Now i'll give you some pic of Duo LeesSang.

Oke, take your seat and enjoy! Mianhae if i wrong and sorry if my english is so bad,khamsa^^

Friday, June 21, 2013

Rekomendasi Episode Running Man Terbagus

Berhubung skrg diri owe makin cinta sama Running Man, maka kali ini eke mau kasih Rekomendasi Episode Running Man yang (menurutku) paling gokil gwelaaaaks.
Ohiya, sudah sekitar 1 bulan lho aku suka sama Running Man, secepat itu ya ternyata aku bisa jatuh cinta sama korea-koreaan yg sebelumnya aku benci-benci ._____.v Buahahaha

So,here we go!

1. Episode 27
Guest: Max Changmin and U-Know Yunho TVXQ

Mission pertama seperti biasa, find the guest! Lalu yg kedua Draw in Rows, ini nih game yang ngakakable. Gambaranya uh ciamik-ciamik =)) Joongki oppa is full of enthusiastic! Lol. Dan finale missionnya find out sendiri ya....Pokoknya seru banget dan penuh dengan suka citalah:') #posih

2. Episode 28
Guest: Kim Byung-man

Find the guest as usual, disini maknae FD awal mula beraksi jadi model aneh-aneh. Mission kedua nih yang kocak Diet Karoke, jadi karoke sambil work out gitu, ditengah-tengah ntar merekaa nyanyiin lagu-lagunya KJK dan dance-nya jihyo unyu sekaliii *wave dances* Terus mission terakhir 1:8 against the master! Ini juga lucu,pokoknya beda deh dari yang lain >.<

3. Episode 31
Guest: Hyun Young

Yak,first mission: find the guest. Tapiii ini lebih seru dari biasanya menurutku, soalnya kan di water park jadinya bukannya pada nyari malah pada mainan air. Mana BGM-nya yang "Games People Play" pas banget. Ohiya,ditengah-tengah lagi nyari guestnya,ada kejadian ngakak tentang KJK oppa=)) Misi kedua karoke, ini lucuuuu apalagi water war-nya...Jae Suk oppa...=)) Games terakhirnya kerja keras sekali/o/~

4. Episode 40
Guest: Nichkhun and Taecyeon 2PM

First missionnya chasing running man members (2:8) dengan Misi Running man finding 8 little prince outfits. Deg-degan sih emang awal-awalnya .__. Tapi di misi ke 2nya asli lucuuu, yaitu 'Running Man Virus' jadi kudu ngeperform-in lagu dibuat orchestra! Dan parahnya mereka dipimpin oleh 2 Mae, yaiu Kook Mae and Yoo Mae =)) Yo yang ngebias-in Nichkhun nanti ada dia yang main piano solo lho /blushing/ Oiya, hasil performnya bagus banget! Ini salah satu RM fav-ku,btw^^

5. Episode 55
Guest: Jiyeon (T-ara), Suzy (Miss A), Sulli f(x), Luna f(x)

Pertamanya tentuin couple dulu, match-match couplenya! >.< Terus missionnya ya couple race. Gamenya piggyback couplenya ke stationery beli pencil terus lililalala~ Dan di final missionnya ntar main hide and seek gitu deh,seru! ^w^

6. Episode 59
Guest: Tiger JK, Yoon Mi-Rae, Simon D, Gaeko, Choiza

Hip Hop day yoooo, swa to the g; SWAAAAG! =)) Waktu opening pada disuruh ngomong pakek Rapper style gitu,Gary oppa mong abis sampe ngomong " heart?!" Lol. Missionnya seru-seru, gak usah diceritain deh pokoknya ini seru!>.<

7. Episode 60
Guest: -

Muahahaha, di episode ini Gary oppa dikerjain gitu,semacam 1:8-lah. Gary ditawarin jadi spy ceritanya soalnya dia pengen banget, tapi dia stre~~s sendiri =)) Expressionnya lawak abis=)) Ini juga RM fav aku. Wajib nonton apalagi yang ngebias oppa satu ini:3/

8. Episode 63
Guest: Hyoyeon, Jessica, Seohyun, Taeyeon, Yoona, Yuri (SNSD)

Yuhii, another couple race with SNSD. Yang SONE pasti udah nonton kan ya? :P Pertama-tama ya cari couple dulu, habis itu ntar 2 couple digabung. Terus ngejalanin misi-misi aneh gitu deh,unik-unik misinya :3 Tapi seruuu,sayang ga ada Jihyo unnie:(

9. Episode 66
Guest: Song Joongki, Kim Sun-ah

Aaaaa, joongki oppa is back!! XD Awalnya permember estafet mbangunin yang lainnya gitu, terus baru boleh breakie. Nanti ada yg disuruh nyari citizen yang mirip sama Jong Kook, Gwang Soo, sama Kang Gary =)) Waktu misi makan Muk Noodle lucu abiiiis LOL. Nanti di final mission mereka pake costume2 hewan unyu-unyu gitu:3 Oya, yang bikin seneng lagi Song-song sibling dan same age friend satu kelompok x3 Joongki keliatan kyk kangen banget gitu:')

10. Episode 74
Guest: -

Mongji mong ji~~ Gally gally~~ Buahahaha ini RM fav ku! Dari awal sampai akhir Monday Couple scenenya banyak banget x3 Disini ceritanya tiap member punya super power sendiri-sendiri.  Bukan sembarang power,ini powernya kocak-kocak =)) Oya, nanti finale missionnya rip namtag,tapiii hadiahnya yahud abis!! Mau tau?~ Kudu nonton!!:D

11. Episode 79
Guest: Kim Je Dong, Yoon Dohyun

Running Man eps Sherlock Holmes!! Demi apa ini keren abiiiiis. Jadi ceritanya member Rm semuanya Detektif dan kudu mecahin miserinya. Awal-awal emang kudu pemikiran keras,begitu tau gimana maksudnya pasti bakal mengaga deh bisa-bisanya bikin misteri sekeren ini *.*

12. Episode 84-85

Selain emang seru, ini jadi rekomen soalnya guestnya bigbang hehehe. Member Big Bang lari-lari imut gitu deh:') #apasih. Disini missionnya cuma 2 tapi sama-sama hide and catch. Di misi 1 big bang yang hide dan sebaliknya. GD-HaHa incident bikin frustasi lol. Baguslah tonton aja, itung-itung liat bias gitu :')))

13. Episode 97
Guest: Park Ji Sung, IU, Rio Ferdinant, Jung Dae Se, Song Joong Ki

Buahahaha, ini episode paling keren! First mission find the spy, disini udah seru. Terus lanjut ke misi kedua di Thailand! Jadi ceritanya Ji Sung Park mau ajak 2 member RM untuk main bareng dia di Asian Dream Cup di Thailand, what a honor rite?! >.< Tapi seleksinya konyol-konyol =)) Dan yak, waktu Dream Cup asli ngakak bangeeet. Wajib untuk ditonton! Ohya, unpredictable banget ada Rio Ferdinant (Manchaster United) sama Song Joong Ki juga \o/ 

Ini belom selese,besok liat aja Part 2nya. Mianhae,gomawo and enjoy^_^

Part 2 sudah keluar! Bisa dibuka di (Rekomendasi Episode Running Man Terbagus Part 2)