Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Pawitikra Revolution #3

Welcome back my stalkerrrrrssss! 
Ok ttp, post kali ini cuma mau kasih putu-putu waktu acara pensi SMP 5 YK yang ke 3 kemaren 20 mei nih. Pengennya ditambahin embel-embel apa gitu sih tapi kok pret bgt gitu ya dibacanya-_- maklum ya lagi trouble, jadi yasudah foto dulu aja yaaa. :\ {} 
Wes yo cekidot yo~

*on the way*

@ shelter Trans Jogja Mandala Krida -_-

w/ ahya-lita. RUPOKU YA ALLAH
reaksi pertama habis di cium penjaga shelternya.
*ke telkom; solat,kabur,dan putu-putu*

w/ dhiya. wanita jadi-jadian -_-
w/ my bestieeee <3
we are.....winny the human *.*
HAND w/out atyass T.T
w/ TITUL : titit tutul tutul *eh =))
after that, we were back to SMP 5.
*so here we go!!!*

 unyu gagal
unyu abis
saya masih bingung juga kenapa saya milih pose itu
sakjane apik,sakjane... =))
dira ngelek-ngeleki wae -_- wkwk
w/ rahma-bule arab. dira? bule zimbabwe-_-
w/ rahma,litcha,niek
unyu max,oon min. 
w/ ttk. pake a bukan e :p
w/ tata,lita,litcha :3
kyaaaa, dira putu mas marmut imutimut UPM pwtkr! *.*
keren itu beda tipis sama jijay. ini contoh gaya jijay-nya
Trio abang-ratau galau \m/ 
we are young dudeeee!
the last photo to closing pr #3 night, w/ doggys sksd ._.
*bonus photo: SuperMario #artist*

maaf, drummernya gak ke foto ._.v


Thanks a lot to Pawitikra Revolution #3! It's so funny and unforgettable! Once again, thannks and sooo pround to be pawitikra's ^^

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Romance-Comedy Movie Marathon

Heyoo :3
Ok, to the poin,this post just want to promote some-movie that had genre romence/comedy(?)
Minggu ini dira lagi suka nonton film,dan ini beberapa yang dira tonton itu <3 enjoy it!

1. (500) days of Summer
Comedy-romance, ceritannya asik tapi rumit, gak pake mikir sih, tapi muter-muter:| Kocak tapi ada yg bikin nangis :3-_-:\
Cast: Zooey Deschanel, Joshep Gordon-Levitt

Ini pas bagian mainan 'penis' wkwk :'))

2. Dear John
Romance nyesekkk, ini ceritanya semacam videonya maroon 5-wake me up when september ends,kereen,endingnya gak lucu..nggantung kalo menurutku,but overall its cool meeen.
Cast: Amanda Seyfried, Lynn Curtis

pas liat bulan pake jempol *?

3. Cinderella Story : Once upon a song
Comedy, ceritanya beda tp setnya layaknya cinderella biasanya,tapi kocaaaaaaaaak abis,ya biasa ajah sih,alayin dikitlah biar greget kwkw. Love it<3
Cast: Lucy Hale, Frieddie Stroma

Kenapa posenya gak enak ya..

4.  Scott Pilgrim vs The World
Comedy,ini film alay,aneh,weiiiird,jijay pokonya,tapi ada aja kerennya. wkwk auk ah,dira suka kok <3
Cast: Michael Cera, Mary Elizabeth W.

Uunnya muka scott::3
Ans the last...My favorite romance-movie ever aafter....

5. Flipped
Romance-comedy,ini udah lama sih nontonnya, aaaa bryce-nya cakep sekalii<3,ceritanya menayiik,cucok sama anak muda(?) wwkwk,muaaaaaaaaah sama film inih<3
Cast: Madeline Carroll, Josh Hutcherson 

How cute they areeee<3 envy maxxx X.X

How?? Are u love it too? No??? Oh, Yowes. wkwk
Thankss for enjoy it! Xx.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Just quote, no more. #3

-I know i must be this one-
Break up the bad.
 Insert the problems. 
Roll up the resentments. 
Light up the solution.
 Inhale the happiness. 
Exhale the past. 

-But the reality is-
I hate that I miss you,
I hate that I still want you, 
I hate that I love you,
 I hate that you forgot about me.

There's different,but i feel both of this.Confused?Me too.